Dish silver plating and related services

Types of motorcycles for wich silvering parabolas:

  • For foreign veterans NSU, Aero, BSA, BMW, Sachs, Puch, DKW, Velocette, Sunbeam
  • Desta, Zetor, Multicar, Barkas

Our services:

  • complete renovation of the dish
  • Dish silvering, sandblasting, painting the rear part

We deliver:

  • If your dish is very crooked or dented, we can supply a new one
    • New bulb - main, parking
    • Base and socket for the dish
    • Glass and frame for the satellite dish

How to proceed:

You can bring the order directly to the store: 

  • MOTO Votice 
  • Pražská 237, Votice 259 01

If you decide to send the order to us for repair by mail, send it to the address

  • MOTO Votice 
  • Pražská 237, Votice 259 01

Together with the repair order form, which can be downloaded here:

Before sending or bringing the dish for repair, we ask that it be cleaned of the largest impurities and degreased.

Pro bližší informace, konzultaci o opravované součásti a o aktuální cenu za opravu volejte na číslo 737 279 352.

Our work

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